Fine Print First...
We don't even know each other, but I'm starting with the fine print. Handmade by Chana is a retail site, and does not feature third-party advertising. I share this blog as a chronicle of my imperfect Jewish journey, in the hope that I might provide a few short-cuts to someone else treading the same path.
As each of us is unique, I can't offer a reflection of your own experience. Hopefully, it's more of a refraction...the way a rainbow provides shared beauty from countless differing perspectives. Mine is just one of the millions of ways in which people 'do Jewish.' More observant than some, and less so than others, I don't wish to shame or be shamed for any infraction of the 'fences around fences' that make up Halakhah. (Should you encounter an egregious error, please message me directly, as comments are disabled.)
I won't generally cook or craft for you, rarely will I moralize to you, and I promise I will never, ever spam you. I value my time and privacy, and will do the same with yours. I will share ideas I've found helpful in living a meaningful Jewish life and will point you toward resources that have proven useful to me. Often, those will be educational links, with no affiliate relationship or compensation. Occasionally, they will link to products or artists I love. Sometimes those sites provide a small commission if you purchase a featured product. There is no cost to you, and I won't ever choose which resources or links to share based on commission.
In short, this blog is my free gift to you. If you're not into, no hard feelings. If my ramblings make you smile, feel free to subscribe to the newsletter or follow HandmadebyChana on social media.